Healthcare Quarterly, 15(2) April 2012: 75-81.doi:10.12927/hcq.2012.22909
Care In The Community
Service Guidelines Based on Resource Utilization Groups Version III for Home Care Provide Decision-Making Support for Case Managers
Barbara Collister, Glenda Stein, Deborah Katz, Joan DeBruyn, Linda Andrusiw and Sheila Cloutier
Increasing costs and budget reductions combined with increasing demand from our growing, aging population support the need to ensure that the scarce resources allocated to home care clients match client needs. This article details how Integrated Home Care for the Calgary Zone of Alberta Health Services considered ethical and economic principles and used data from the Resident Assessment Instrument for Home Care (RAI-HC) and case mix indices from the Resource Utilization Groups Version III for Home Care (RUG-III/HC) to formulate service guidelines. These explicit service guidelines formalize and support individual resource allocation decisions made by case managers and provide a consistent and transparent method of allocating limited resources.
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