Healthcare Quarterly, 26(1) April 2023: 50-58.doi:10.12927/hcq.2023.27051
Approaches To Integrated Care
Adapting Our SCOPE: Lessons Learned from Spreading and Scaling Efforts to Integrate Care
SCOPE (Seamless Care Optimizing the Patient Experience) launched in 2012 to support primary care in downtown Toronto with live navigation and rapid access to acute and community care resources for primary care providers (PCPs) and their patients. Ten years later, over 1,800 PCPs across Ontario have signed up for SCOPE and over 48,000 interactions in the form of e-mail, fax, phone and secure messaging have been conducted. Case examples illustrate the ways in which SCOPE has been adapted across a range of Ontario Health Teams, including under-resourced, small urban and rural sites. Primary care engagement, change management strategies and flexibility to meet the individual needs of each site have been key factors in the successful spread and scale of SCOPE's services.
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