This collection is an assembly of reprints from various sources. It was copyedited and proofread for quality and consistency. The individual chapters on the web version link to the original articles written by Mr. Lewis and may not match the book version exactly.


Note from the Editor

Kira Leeb


Roy Romanow

Chapter One - Advocating for Reform

Why Health Reform?

Steven Lewis and Stephen Leeder

Commentary on the Sustainability of Canada's Healthcare System

Steven Lewis

A WestJet Healthcare System?

Steven Lewis

Decoding Mazankowski: A Symphony in Three Movements

Steven Lewis and Colleen Maxwell

Regionalization: Making Sense of the Canadian Experience

Steven Lewis and Denise Kouri

After the Sensible Reforms, What? The Next Big Issue in Wait-Time Management 

Steven Lewis

Can a Learning-Disabled Nation Learn Healthcare Lessons from Abroad?

Steven Lewis

Extreme Makeover: Can We Achieve Rapid Improvement in Canada's Healthcare System?

Nandita Chaudhuri, Bonnie Brossart, Steven Lewis and Gill White

Afterword: Delivering Quality by Design

Steven Lewis

Chapter Two - The Call for Professional Accountability

Degrees of Separation: Do Higher Credentials Make Healthcare Better?

Steven Lewis

Primary Healthcare: The All-Too-Quiet Revolution in Waiting

Steven Lewis and Jeanette Edwards

Spare the Policy, Spoil the Profession

Steven Lewis

Pay for Performance: The Wrong Time, the Wrong Place?

Steven Lewis

A Man for All Sections: Physicians, Heed Thy Hobbes?

Steven Lewis

CMA Emerges Dazed from Cave, Writes Report

Steven Lewis

Interview with Penny Ballem

Steven Lewis

So Many Voices, So Little Voice

Steven Lewis

Chapter Three - Research to Inform Policy

Creating Incentives to Improve Population Health

Steven Lewis

Toward a General Theory of Indifference to Research-Based Evidence

Steven Lewis

How Has Health Services Research Made a Difference?

Steven Lewis

How Research Influences Policy Makers: Still Hazy after All These Years

Steven Lewis

Health Services Research: Rethinking the Quest To Be Useful

Steven Lewis

Weapons of Mass Seduction

Steven Lewis

Categorical Nonsense, p < .05

Steven Lewis and Denise Kouri 

Chapter Four - The Reactionarian: On Privatization

Courting Trouble: The Supreme Court’s Embrace of Private Health Insurance

Colleen Flood and Steven Lewis

Medicare’s Fate: Are We Fiddlers or Firefighters?

Steven Lewis

Physicians: It’s in Your Court Now

Steven Lewis

Chaoulli, Truly: A Supreme Irony

Steven Lewis

Chapter Four - The Reactionarian: Conflict of Interest

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Pfizer: Sparks Fly Over Recent CIHR Appointment

Steven Lewis

Well I Declare: The Emasculation of Conflict-of-Interest

Steven Lewis

Neoliberalism, Conflict of Interest, and the Governance of Health

Research in Canada

Steven Lewis

Chapter Four - The Reactionarian: Drug Pricing in Canada

Ontario Generic Drug Wars, Part 1: How It All Began

Steven Lewis

Ontario Generic Drug Wars, Part 2: Did Retail Pharmacy Need Rebates?

Steven Lewis

Ontario Generic Drug Wars, Part 3: The Soul of the Pharmacy Profession

Steven Lewis

Ontario Generic Drug Wars, Part 4: Lessons for Medicare

Steven Lewis

Chapter Four - The Reactionarian: Making the News

Federal Election 2008: Interview (Mock)

Steven Lewis

The Scary Headlines We Don’t See

Steven Lewis

The Conference Board: Rank Amateurs with an Agenda?

Steven Lewis

My Evening with the Future

Steven Lewis

This Just In: Systems Designed to Fail, Fail

Steven Lewis

A Texas-Sized Spread in Canada (or an Exposé on Healthcare Spending in a Poor US County)

Steven Lewis

Don’t Make Me Gag

Steven Lewis

Danny William’s Ironic Adventure

Steven Lewis


Actually, I’d Rather Write about Baseball

Steven Lewis


Virtuosity in Health Policy

Terrence Sullivan


More from Steven Lewis

In no particular order and focused on no particular topic.

Ever wondered who Steven Lewis is?

Steven Lewis is a health policy and research consultant and Adjunct Professor of Health Policy at BC's Simon Fraser University. He recently completed a tenure as Visiting Scholar at Simon Fraser. Steven spent seven years as CEO of the Health Services Utilization and Research Commission in Saskatchewan. He has served on various boards and committees, including the Governing Council of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Saskatchewan Health Quality Council, the Health Council of Canada, and the editorial boards of multiple journals. His published works cover topics such as reforming and strengthening medicare, improving healthcare quality, primary healthcare, regionalization and integration, and the management of wait times. His advice, counsel and editorial contributions are invaluable assets to Longwoods and its readers. For Steven to write is to live and in this he is indefatigable. His heart and home are in the middle of Canada – Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Contact Steven here.