Healthcare Quarterly, 8(1) January 2005: 22-24.doi:10.12927/hcq.2005.20437
OHA Hightlights: Culture, Content, Chemistry and the Odd Loose Cannon
This year we had a new show in town: Health Achieve2004. Produced by the Ontario Hospital Association (OHA), this was the beginning of a transformation that will make the organization the premium healthcare services show in North America. It is already a benchmark event. Our own informal poll consistently rated this as "The best show ever." Participants were treated to tonic for the mind - new concepts, images, thoughts, plans, impressions, best practices, evidence, principles, opinions, observations and innovations. Those of us who came and participated now have a virtual master's degree in health management. A treasure.It was also the first year that the OHA targeted an audience well beyond its traditional borders. A slick new image, international contributors, global causes and an investment in cross border PR brought attendance to an all-time high. It also ensured more culture, content, comparisons, chemistry and - yes - the odd loose canon. The wide selection of participants offered an unequaled opportunity to meet those we wanted to and those we didn't even know would make a difference. The quality and the range were remarkable. Everyone who came has new ideas to apply, new contacts to enjoy and new energy to employ. Book it for next year. Now.
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