Guidelines currently under development by the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (ctfphc) include:
The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (ctfphc) met in early 2010 to establish topic priorities and have begun the guideline development process.
- Screening for prostate cancer
- Screening for obesity
- Screening for child obesity
- Screening for colorectal cancer
- Screening for developmental delay
- Screening for cognitive impairment
- Screening for lung cancer
If you would like to suggest a topic for the ctfphc, please contact us.
- Prevention of Falls in Long-Term Care Facilities
- Screening for Depression in Primary Care
- Screening for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus to Prevent Vascular Complications
- Interventions to Promote Breastfeeding
- Prevention of Influenza in the General Population
- Hormone Replacement Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Chronic Diseases
- Screening For Lung Cancer
- Postmenopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease
- New Grades for recommendations from the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (Report)
- The Role of Vitamin E Supplements in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer
- Prevention and Treatment of Violence Against Women
- Use of Back Belts to Prevent Occupational Low-Back Pain
- Prevention of Early-onset Group B Streptococcal (gbs) Infection in the Newborn
- Prevention of Osteoporosis and Osteoporotic Fractures in Postmenopausal Women
- Breast Self-Examination to Screen for Breast Cancer
- Chemoprevention of Breast Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer Screening
- Counseling for Risky Health Habits
- Screening and Management of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in Newborns
- Screening for Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in the Elderly
- Screening for Otitis Media with Effusion
- Screening Mammography among Women Aged 40–49 Years at Average Risk of Breast Cancer
- Use of Varicella Vaccine in Healthy Populations
- Use of Ambulatory Electrocardiography for the Detection of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Stroke
- Screening and Management of Hyperhomocysteinemia for the Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease Events
- Prevention of Child Maltreatment
- Periodic Health Examination, 1999 update: 1. Detection, prevention and treatment of obesity pdf (cmaj)
- Preventive Health Care, 1999 update: 2. Echocardiography for the detection of a cardiac source of embolus in patients with stroke pdf (cmaj)
- Preventive Health Care, 1999 update: 3. Follow-up after breast cancer pdf (cmaj)
- Preventive Health Care, 1999 Update: Prevention of oral cancer Mortality pdf (cda)
- Effective dissemination and implementation of Canadian Task Force guidelines on Preventive Health Care: literature review and model development pdf
- Electronic dissemination of Canadian clinical practice guidelines to health care professionals and the public pdf
- Periodic Health Examination, 1996 Update: 1. Prenatal screening for and diagnosis of Down syndrome pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic Health Examination, 1996 Update: 2. Screening for chlamydial infections pdf (PubMed)
- Cover Story: Aboriginal Health pdf (Library and Archives Canada)
- Periodic Health Examination, 1995 Update: 1. Screening for human papillomavirus infection in asymptomatic women pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic Health Examination, 1995 Update: 2. Prevention of dental caries pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic Health Examination, 1995 Update: 3. Screening for visual problems among elderly patients pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1994 update: 1. Obesity in childhood pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1994 update: 2. Screening strategies for colorectal cancer pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1994 update: 3. Primary and secondary prevention of neural tube defects pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1994 update: 4. Secondary prevention of elder abuse and mistreatment pdf (PubMed)
- Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination. The Canadian Guide to Clinical Preventive Health Care. 1994, Ottawa:CCG.
- Periodic health examination, 1993 update: 1. Primary prevention of child maltreatment pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1993 update: 2. Lowering the blood total cholesterol level to prevent coronary heart disease pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1993 update: 3. Periodontal disease: classification, diagnosis, risk factors and prevention pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1992 update: 1. Screening for gestational diabetes pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1992 update: 2. Routine prenatal ultrasound screening pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1992 update: 3. HIV antibody screening pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1992 update: 4. Prophylaxis for gonococcal and chlamydial ophthalmia neonatorum pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1991 update: 1. Screening for cognitive impairment in the elderly pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1991 update: 2. Administration of pneumococcal vaccine pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1991 update: 3. Secondary prevention of prostate cancer pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1991 update: 4. Screening for cystic fibrosis pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1991 update: 5. Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1991 update: 6. Acetylsalicylic acid and the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1990 update: 1. Early detection of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism in adults and screening of newborns for congenital hypothyroidism pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1990 update: 2. Early detection of depression and prevention of suicide pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1990 update: 3. Interventions to prevent lung cancer other than smoking cessation pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1990 update: 4. Well-baby care in the first 2 years of life pdf (PubMed)
- Early detection of depression by primary care physicians pdf (PubMed)
- Goldbloom R.B., Lawrence R. (eds). Preventing Disease: Beyond the Rhetoric. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1990.
- Prevention of Suicide pdf (PubMed)
- Woolf S.H., Battista R.N., Anderson G.M., Logan A.G., Wang E., and other members of the Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination. Assessing the clinical effectiveness of preventive maneuvers: Analytic principles and systematic methods in reviewing evidence and developing clinical practice recommendations. J Clin Epidemiol 1990;43(9):891-905.
- The periodic health examination: 1. Introduction pdf (PubMed)
- The periodic health examination: 2. 1989 update pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1989 update: 3. Preschool examination for developmental, visual and hearing problems pdf (PubMed)
- Periodic health examination, 1989 update: 4. Intrapartum electronic fetal monitoring and prevention of neonatal herpes simplex pdf (PubMed)
- Battista R.N., Lawrence R.S. (eds). Implementing preventive services. Am J Prev Med 1988; Suppl 4(4): i-x, 1-194.
- The periodic health examination: 1. Introduction pdf (PubMed)
- The periodic health examination: 2. 1987 update pdf (PubMed)
- The periodic health examination: 1. Introduction pdf (PubMed)
- The periodic health examination: 2. 1985 update pdf (PubMed)
- The Periodic Health Examination: 3. Breast Cancer pdf (PubMed)
- The periodic health examination: 1. Introduction pdf (PubMed)
- The periodic health examination: 2. 1984 update pdf (PubMed)
- The periodic health examination: 3. An evolving concept pdf (PubMed)
- Report of a Task Force to the Conference of Deputy Ministers of Health (cat no H39-3/1980E), Health Services and Promotion Branch, Department of National Health and Welfare, Ottawa, 1980.
- Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination. The periodic health examination. cmaj 1979;121:1193-1254.