ealth uman esources
Special Focus on Nursing Retention
Inspiring Nurse Leaders: Optimizing the Working Lives of Nurses in Canada
Leigh Chapman
Nursing Research
Burnout, Resilience and Job Satisfaction in Acute Care Nurse Practitioners
Lori Harwood, Jacqueline Crandall and Anthony LeFuentes
CIHI Survey
Hospital Staffing and Hospital Harm Trends Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sierra Campbell, Amanda Tardif, Tareq Ahmed, Salwa Akiki, Satya Challa, Kate Parson and Chantal Cour...
Leadership Perspective
Talking About Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership: What Canadian Nurse Leaders Have to Say
Mary McAllister, Marilyn Ballantyne and Pam Hubley
The Future of Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership
A Commentary on Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare (SBNH) and SBNH Leadership
Laurie N. Gottlieb and Michael J. Villeneuve
Nursing Research
Creating a Dual Degree: Nursing Education Goes Global
Lorna Butler, Karen Ursel, Judith Angelitta Noronha, Jessica Webster, Linu Sara George and Stephen V...
Nursing Research
A Compendium of Clinical Nurse Specialist Roles in a Canadian Health Authority
Tannis Andersen, Shannon Paul-Jost, Allyson Thomas, Sherry Miyashita, Vicki Kennedy and Amanda Lavig...