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Executive Summary of the Final Report

Findings, Conclusions and Observations Relevance Findings – Addressing and Being Responsive to a Demonstrable Need

Similar to the findings in previous evaluations of Infoway’s funding agreements, there continued to be a need for a national, multi-jurisdictional approach to eHealth in Canada, and to have a pan-Canadian organization such as Infoway to develop and deliver such an approach. The need was recognized in the mandate provided to Infoway and in the formulation of the purposes and outcomes in the 2010 Funding Agreement. The 2010 Funding Agreement is a direct response to the 2009 and 2010 Budget announcements that expressed the need for EHRs and EMRs. The need and Infoway’s contribution to addressing the need have been confirmed by reviews and other studies, as well as key informants such as jurisdictional Deputy Ministers and CIOs (or equivalent), and health providers and practitioners who were interviewed. The need is also reflected in the increasing public support and expectations of Canadians regarding eHealth, including specific aspects such as EHRs, EMRs and Consumer Health Solutions that are in the 2010 Funding Agreement

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