Longwoods Blog
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda integrate all three dimensions of sustainable development (economic, social and environmental) recognizing that eradicating poverty and inequality, creating inclusive economic growth and preserving the planet are inextricably linked. Health is centrally positioned within the 2030 Agenda, with one comprehensive goal (SDG 3) and its 13 targets covering all major health priorities, and links to targets in many of the other goals.
The 2030 Agenda has major implications for health monitoring. Monitoring will need to reflect the fact that the SDGs are relevant for all countries. In order to accommodate a much broader range of health and health-related issues, country, regional and global monitoring systems will have to adapt. This will mean, at the very least, undertaking health data collection, analysis and communication in an integrated manner. The SDG focus on leaving no one behind means that much greater attention will have to be given to disaggregated data. Health monitoring will have to look beyond the health sector and consider economic, social and environmental indicators, as well as intersectoral actions. The 2030 Agenda also puts strong emphasis on country follow-up and review processes as the basis for accountability. Strengthening country health information systems should therefore be a priority.
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