World Health & Population

World Health & Population 4(1) March 2001 : 0-0.doi:10.12927/whp.2001.17591

Empowerment of Women for Health Development: A Global Perspective

Snehendu B. Kar, Catherine Pascual, Kirstin Chickering and Tracy Hazelton


In spite of sustained efforts in economic development and health care reforms, the persistent inequalities in gender that adversely affect health and quality of life have widened both between and within rich and poor nations. In this paper, we assert that, women's empowerment along with the two above strategies are necessary for effective social change for better health and quality of life (QOL) for all. Women and mothers (WAM) are primary care givers in almost all societies. They are also relatively powerless and suffer more than men from gender inequalities. In spite of these burdens and barriers, WAM in all cultures and under extreme adversities, have demonstrated bold leadership in organizing grassroots movements that enhance health and quality of life for their families and communities (e.g. MAAD in USA and Madres de Playa Mayor in Argentina). The objectived of the study are to learn from a meta-analysis of case studies how WAM empower themselves for better health and QOL for their families and communities and to share the lessons learned.

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