covid 19
What Do Genomics, Float Pools and Cardiac Surgery Have in Common? Innovating Nurses
Ruth Martin-Misener
Focus On Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
The Mental Health of Healthcare Workers: Navigating the New Normal
Michael Cooper and Shauna Major
Letter to the Editor
Response to “Hospital Staffing and Hospital Harm Trends Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic” by Campbell et al. (2024)
Linda Hughes, Wendy Nicklin, Katharina Kovacs Burns and Ioana Popescu
CIHI Survey
Measurement of and Reporting on Wait Times for Priority Procedures in Canada
Andrey Kildyushov, Ben Reason, Mary Kwakyepeprah, Meredith Nichols, Yasmine Léger and Xi-Kuan Chen
Invited Paper
Patient and Caregiver Engagement in an Era of COVID-19: What Did We Learn and How Do We Move Forward?
Kerry Kuluski, Carol Fancott, Maggie Keresteci and G. Ross Baker
Creating a Sustaining Culture for Patient Engagement
G. Ross Baker, Carol Fancott and Adrienne Zarem
First Peoples Wellness Circle and the Indigenous Mental Wellness and Trauma-Informed Specialist Workforce During COVID-19
Naomi Trott, Becky Carpenter, Despina Papadopoulos and Brenda Restoule