public health
CIHI Survey
Insights on the Healthcare Trajectories of People Living With Dementia
Raquel Souza Dias Betini, Masud Hussain, Rachel Latus, Allie Chen, Liudmila Husak, Catherine Pelleti...
Focus On Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline – Implementing a Pan-Canadian Program to Prevent Suicide
Allison Crawford, Jenny Hardy, Stephanie Carter, Anne Kirvan, Chantalle Clarkin, Helen Davies, Amand...
Reimaging Health Equity, Equality, and Justice: A Fresh Vision
Ethan McCallum, Nicole Scala, Taylor Mason, Haoyan Zheng, Alessia Priore, Tess Coppinger, Mark ...
ICES Report
Sex-Based Differences in Mental Health Service Use Between Canadian Veterans and Non-Veterans Residing in Ontario
Kate St. Cyr and Alyson L. Mahar
Discussion and Debate
Commentary: The Conflict Between Protecting Public Health and Raising Tax Revenue
Wayne Hall
Learnings From the Pandemic
Using Reddit Data to Refine Vaccine Messaging for a Plan-Do-Study-Act Communications Approach
Neil Seeman, Alex Luscombe and Jamie Duncan
Discussion and Debate
Five Years After Cannabis Legalization, Is It Time to Ease Restrictions on Promotion?
Jean-François Crépault, Sergio Rueda and Victor Tang