home care
Better Care for Our Aging Population Is a Collective Responsibility
Amy Coupal, Anthony Dale, Donna Duncan, Lisa Levin, Camille Quenneville, Deborah Simon, Deepy Sur an...
Technology, Aging and Home and Community Care: Picking the Right Problems to Solve
James Shaw, Sonia Nizzer and Sandra McKay
Research Paper
Personal Support Work and Home Care in Ontario during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Pamela Hopwood, Ellen MacEachen, Carrie McAiney and Catherine Tong
Quarterly Reflections from Neil Seeman
Toward an Integrated Strategy for Care in the Home for Frail Elders
Neil Seeman
Improving Access To Care
Hôpital Montfort’s Postnatal Care-at-Home Program: An Innovative Model for Early Postnatal Care
Ann Salvador, Wendy Peterson, Julie Nault, Anne Gravelle, David McCoubrey, Laurence Tsorba, Dean Led...
Research At Point Of Care
Create and Sustain a Culture of Curiosity: A Case Study of a Home Healthcare Organization in Toronto
Sandra McKay, Emily King and Kathryn Nichol
Leadership Innovation
Case Study: Achieving “Hands-On” Practice for Remote Family Caregivers and Homecare Nurses of Children with Medical Complexity
Krista Keilty, Stephanie Chu, Adal Bahlibi, Sandra McKay and Matt Wong