
Books October 2008 : 273-275

Selected Additional Resources

Citation Information
Baker, G.R., A. MacIntosh-Murray, C. Porcellato, L. Dionne, K. Stelmacovich and K. Born. 2008. "Selected Additional Resources." High Performing Healthcare Systems: Delivering Quality by Design. 273-275. Toronto: Longwoods Publishing.

• View the individual chapters for free in the Table of Contents.

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Jönköping County Council and Sweden

Garpenby P. 1997. "Implementing Quality Programmes in Three Swedish County Councils: The Views of Politicians, Managers and Doctors." Health Policy 39(3): 195-206.

Andersson-Gare, B. and D. Neuhauser. 2007. "The Health Care Quality Journey of Jönköping County Council, Sweden." Quality Management in Health Care 16(1): 2-9.

Bodenheimer, T., M. Bojestig and H. Goran. 2007. "Making Systemwide Improvements in Health Care: Lessons from Jönköping County, Sweden." Quality Management in Health Care 16(1): 10-15.

Elg, M., B. Kollberg, J. Lindmark and J. Olsson. 2007. "Goal Orientation and Conflicts: Motors of Change in Development Projects in Health Care Service." Quality Management in Health Care 16(1): 84-97.

Malmvall, B.-E., I. Franzen, P.-E. Abom and M.-B. Hugosson. 2007. "The Rate of Influenza Immunization to People Aged 65 Years and Older Was Increased from 45% to 70% by a Primary Health Care-based Multiprofessional Approach." Quality Management in Health Care 16(1): 51-59.

Malmvall, B.-E., S. Molstad, J. Darelid, A. Hiselius, L. Larsson, J. Swanberg and P.-E. Abom. 2007. "Reduction of Antibiotics Sales and Sustained Low Incidence of Bacterial Resistance: Report on a Broad Approach during 10 Years to Implement Evidence-Based Indications for Antibiotic Prescribing in Jönköping County, Sweden." Quality Management in Health Care 16(1): 60-67.

Øvretveit, J. and A. Staines. 2007. "Sustained Improvement? Findings from an Independent Case Study of the Jönköping Quality Program." Quality Management in Health Care 16(1): 68-83.

Quality Management in Health Care 2007 16(1) issue focused on Jönköping and Sweden:

Peterson, A., R. Carlhed, B. Lindahl, G. Lindstrom, C. Aberg, B. Andersson-Gare and M. Bojestig. 2007. "Improving Guideline Adherence through Intensive Quality Improvement and the Use of a National Quality Register in Sweden for Acute Myocardial Infarction." Quality Management in Health Care 16(1): 25-37.

Rejler, M., A. Spangeus, J. Tholstrup and B. Andersson-Gare. 2007. "Improved Population-based Care: Implementing Patient- and Demand-Directed Care for Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Evaluating the Redesign with a Population-Based Registry." Quality Management in Health Care 16(1): 38-50.

Strindhall, M. and G. Henriks. 2007. "How Improved Access to Healthcare Was Successfully Spread across Sweden." Quality Management in Health Care 16(1): 16-24.

Intermountain Healthcare

Clayton, P.D., S.P. Narus, S.M. Huff, T.A. Pryor, P.J. Haug, T. Larkin, S. Matney, R.S. Evans, B. H. Rocha, W.A. Bowes, F.T. Holston and M.L. Gundersen. 2003. "Building a Comprehensive Clinical Information System from Components: The Approach at Intermountain Health Care. Methods of Information in Medicine 42(1): 1-7.

Jimmerson, C., D. Weber and D.K. Sobek. 2005. "Reducing Waste and Errors: Piloting Lean Principles at Intermountain Health Care." Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 31(5): 249-257.

Nelson, E.C., P.B. Batalden, K. Homa, M.M. Godfrey, C. Campbell, L.A. Headrick, T.P. Huber, J.J. Mohr and J.H. Wasson. 2003. "Microsystems in Health Care: Part 2. Creating a Rich Information Environment." The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 29(1): 5-15.

Thompson, D.I., C. Sirio and P. Holt. 2000. "The Strategic Use of Outcome Information." The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 26(10): 576-586. National Health Service, UK.

National Health Service, UK

Ham, C., R. Kipping and H. McLeod. 2003. "Redesigning Work Processes in Health Care: Lessons from the National Health Service." Milbank Quarterly 81(3): 415-439.

Ham, C. 2005. "Lost in Translation? Health Systems in the US and the UK." Social Policy & Administration 39(2): 192-209.

Ham, C. 2006. "Reforms to NHS Commissioning in England." British Medical Journal 333: 211-212.

Hawkes, N. 2006. "English NHS Reforms Made Easy." British Medical Journal 333: 645-648.

Higgins, J. 2007. "A New Look at NHS Commissioning." British Medical Journal 334: 22-24.

Veterans Health Administration

Armstrong, B., O. Levesque, J.B. Perlin, C. Rick, G. Schectman and P.M. Zalucki. 2005. "Reinventing Veterans Health Administration: Focus on Primary Care." Journal of Healthcare Management 50(6): 399-408.

Asch, S.M., E.A. McGlynn, M.M. Hogan, R.A. Hayward, P. Shekelle, L. Rubenstein, J. Keesey, J. Adams and E.A. Kerr. 2004. "Comparison of Quality of Care for Patients in the Veterans Health Administration and Patients in a National Sample." Annals of Internal Medicine 141(12): 938-945.

Healthcare Papers 2005 5(4). Issue focused on Veterans Health Administration.

Hynes, D.M., R.A. Perrin, S. Rappaport, J.M. Stevens and J.G. Demakis. 2004. "Informatics Resources to Support Health Care Quality Improvement in the Veterans Health Administration." Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 11: 344-350.

Kerr, E.A. and B. Fleming. 2007. "Making Performance Indicators Work: Experiences of the US Veterans Health Administration." British Medical Journal 335: 971-973.

Longman, P. 2007. Best Care Anywhere. Why VA Health Care is Better than Yours. Sausalito, CA: PoliPointPress.

Ohldin, A., R. Taylor, A. Stein and T. Garthwaite. 2002. "Enhancing VHA's Mission to Improve Veteran Health: Synopsis of VHA's Malcolm Baldrige Award Application. Quality Management in Health Care 10(4): 29-37.

Oliver, A. 2007. "The Veterans Health Administration: An American Success Story?" The Milbank Quarterly 85(1): 5-35.

Weeks, W.B., L. Hamby, A. Stein and P.B. Batalden. 2000. "Using the Baldrige Management System Framework in Health Care: The Veterans Health Administration Experience." The Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement 26(7): 379-387.

Weeks W.B., J. Waldron, P.D. Mills, S.H. Brown, L.R. Coulson and T. Speroff. 2003. "A Model for Improving the Quality and Timeliness of Compensation and Pension Examinations in VA Facilities." Journal of Healthcare Management 48(4): 252-261.


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