HR Resources Newsletter Archives

HR Resources Newsletter Archives July 2009

| Vol.2 No.13, July 2, 2009 |


HealthcarePapers, 9(2) 2009: 6-19
Role of Educational Institutions in Identifying and Responding to Emerging Health Human Resources Needs
John-Paul Tzountzouris and John H.V. Gilbert

The healthcare system continues to evolve, requiring innovation to promote patient-centred, fiscally responsible healthcare delivery. This evolution includes changes to the skills and competencies required of the health human resources (HHR), both regulated and unregulated, who are central supports to healthcare delivery. This has become a priority agenda item at the international, national, provincial, regional and local levels. This paper describes the system factors that drive the emergence of HHR skill and competency needs, and explores the roles of various institutions in the identification of and response to HHR needs. Educational institutions play an important role in responding to emerging HHR needs. Their actual response to HHR skill and competency needs will ultimately depend on the risk posed to the organizations of either addressing, or not addressing, these needs. These decisions are complex and are balanced against strategic, operational and educational risks, benefits and realities within each given educational institution. Educational institutions - through their linkages with the workplace, industry, professional organizations and government - have a unique view and understanding of many facets of the complexity of HHR planning. This paper proposes that educational institutions play a pivotal role as levers in a more coordinated response to emerging HHR needs and, as such, should be intimately involved in comprehensive HHR planning.

Read the article here.

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From the HR Resources Database ....

An Up-Close Look at Seven Major Health Professions
Canadian Institute for Health Information

With more than one million people in Canada employed in health occupations it is crucial to understand who they are, their work patterns and how their workforce is evolving is vital in planning for the future of health care in Canada. CIHI's five reports provides the data of seven Canadian major health professions.

In a series of five new reports released December 1, 2008, the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) provides the latest available and most comprehensive data in Canada about the supply, distribution, migration, education, demographic trends and work patterns for seven major health professions. The reports highlight changes in workforce trends over several years for physicians, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and registered psychiatric nurses, as well as recent data for occupational therapists, physiotherapists and pharmacists.

"More than one million people in Canada are employed in health occupations, working together as part of a health care team," says Francine Anne Roy, Director of Health Resources Information at CIHI. "The services offered by these workers are critical to the health and well-being of Canadians. Understanding who they are, their work patterns and how their workforce is evolving is vital in planning for the future of health care in Canada."

Read the article here.

Check out this blog: Fistful of Talent
Recent blogs include:
How Far Would You Go For a 3 Million Dollar Annual Retainer as a Recruiter?
Temp Execs Mean Temp Employees...

CAREERS: sent to +40,000 people including Canada's student nurses.

Today's Jobs
Director, Cardiac Health Services - Interior Health, Kelowna BC
Clinical Chief, Rehabilitation/Continuing Care Program - Eastern Health, St. John's, NL
Vice President And Chief Nursing Officer - WRHA, Winnipeg, MB
Director of Human Resources - Women's College Hospital, Toronto, ON
Health Service Director - Interior Health, Vernon, BC
Clinical Director, Law & Mental Health Program, CAMH, and Head, Law & Mental Health Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
Director, Human Resources - North Simcoe Hospital Alliance, Midland ON
President & CEO - Peterborough Regional Health Centre, Peterborough, ON
Clinical Nurse Leader/Patient Educator: Renal Pre-Transplant - Providence Health Care BC
Psychologist, Elder Care - Providence Health Care BC
Executive Director - Planned Parenthood Toronto
Chief Executive Officer - Central LHIN, Markham, ON
Director Client Services - Central West CCAC, Brampton, ON
Executive Director, ACEN - Ottawa, ON
Nursing & Leadership Opportunities with the Provincial Health Services Authority of BC
Career Opportunities at Courtyard Group
Career Opportunities at Strata Health
Career Opportunities at Northern Health
Career Opportunities at London Health Sciences
Career Opportunities at Alberta Health Services
Career Opportunities at Vancouver Coastal Health
Career Opportunities at Fraser Health
Career Opportunities at Providence Health Care BC
Career Opportunities at CIHI

Visit our portal of more than 60 participating healthcare recruitment centres.
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Cost is $1.00 a word per week (net + gst). Minimum $75.00 (net + gst) per posting. Logos can be included for an additional $20.00 (net + gst) each.

Positions are posted on theJobSheet and promoted in the weekly Longwoods eLetter, which goes out every Tuesday morning to over 40,000+ healthcare readers.Click here for our eLetter Archives.

Note: Discounts apply for multiple week postings (i.e. 10% for 2 weeks, 15% for 3 weeks, 20% for 4 weeks). Postings are billed per week based on word count. All of our recruiting rates are net.

Here's how it works - Send me the words and logo in a Word document. I will send you a quote, then I will post the ad online and send you a URL for proofing. We will invoice by mail unless a different method is requested.

Want to know more? Contact Susan Hale by email or call 416-864-9667 x 104.


June 30, 2009
Maureen MacDonald to Minister of Health, Nova Scotia
Mary Schryer to Minister of Health, New Brunswick
Kevin Smith to President and CEO of St. Joseph's Health System (effective in October). More here.

June 23, 2009
Jim Flett to Chief Operating Officer, Kingston General Hospital (ON)
Shannon Graham to Vice President People & Organizational Effectiveness, Kingston General Hospital (ON)
Dr. David Zelt to Vice President Medical Administration & Chief of Staff, Kingston General Hospital (ON)
J'Neene Hauck to Chief Financial Officer, Kingston General Hospital (ON)
Mike Conroy to Alberta Health Services as the Executive Vice President of Corporate Services.
Dr. Larry Chambers (Sisters of Charity - Ottawa) to the Board of Directors, the Change Foundation
Susan Piggott(CAMH) to the Board of Directors, the Change Foundation

[Don't forget, we don't make these up. Please send your promotions, appointments, retirements and other transitions to] Our transitions come from sources we believe to be reliable. We do not guarantee that they are correct. But we are rarely wrong.

Review all recently reported Transitions here.

For a three-year searchable history of leadership transitions and appointments across the country, organized by date, click here. Or visit Longwoods Transitions in Healthcare Blog for recent healthcare transitions.


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