Here are some guidelines for you.
For starters read this: George Orwell on Effective Writing.
Commentaries provoke and enlighten. But also provide an opportunity to come across as very serious, to be mischievous, to alert and inform readers and to provide some diversion from the day to day earnestness of healthcare policy and practice. But make a point. Selected essay writers we feature do this well. Don’t polarize. Analyze. Here at Longwoods we might ask: is it timely, well argued, fresh, clear and news worthy?
(This is the kind of language used by “op ed” editors of the Globe and Mail. I’ve borrowed bits and pieces.)
Here are the rules:
Write 750 words or less.
We reserve the right to edit.
Accepted essays go online in the essays section of and will be featured from time to time in the eLetter.
We reserve the right to publish essays in any journal, format or medium.
Readers’ essays may not have the benefit of full review by copy editors. Please have an editor/proof reader polish each submission.
We reserve the right not to publish any submission without explanation.
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