Healthcare Policy
Vol. 5 No. 4 2010
Gardasil® – The New HPV Vaccine: The Right Product, the Right Time? A Commentary
Joel Lexchin, Neil Arya and Sonal Singh
Equitable Access to Healthcare Services and Income Replacement for Cancer: Is Critical Illness Insurance a Help or a Hindrance?
Christopher J. Longo
Compulsory School-Entry Vaccination Laws and Exemptions: Who Is Opting Out in Ontario and Why Does It Matter?
Catherine L. Mah, Astrid Guttmann, Allison McGeer, Murray Krahn and Raisa B. Deber
Perspectives of an Interdisciplinary Research Team to Engage Practice: Lessons from a Knowledge Exchange Trainee Experience
Robin L. Urquhart, Grace M. Johnston, Shauna M. McVorran and Fred I. Burge
A Case Study on the Substitution Effect between the Length of GP Consultation and Drug Prescribing Practices
Bruno Ventelou, Sophie Rolland and Pierre Verger
Public Perceptions of Physician–Pharmaceutical Industry Interactions: A Systematic Review
Janine Arkinson, Anne Holbrook and Wojciech Wiercioch
Clinical Practice Settings Associated with GPs Who Take on Patients with Mental Disorders
Marie-Josée Fleury, Jean-Marie Bamvita, Denise Aubé and Jacques Tremblay
Living Environments for People with Moderate to Severe Acquired Brain Injury
Angela Colantonio, Dana Howse, Bonnie Kirsh, Teresa Chiu, Rachel Zulia and Charissa Levy
Exploring Wait List Prioritization and Management Strategies for Publicly Funded Ambulatory Rehabilitation Services in Ontario, Canada: Further Evidence of Barriers to Access for People with Chronic Disease
Laura A. Passalent, Michel D. Landry and Cheryl A. Cott
Anthropological Approach to Adherence Factors for Antihypertensive Drug Therapy
Aline Sarradon-Eck, Marc Egrot, Marie Anne Blanc and Murielle Faure