Healthcare Policy
Vol. 6 Special Issue | Going for the Gold
Administrative Data and the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy: Some Reflections
Noralou P. Roos and Leslie L. Roos
Straw into Gold: Lessons Learned (and Still Being Learned) at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Patricia J. Martens
The Role of Administrative Record Linkage in Creating Trajectories of Early Human Development
Clyde Hertzman
Can Joined-Up Data Lead to Joined-Up Thinking? The Western Australian Developmental Pathways Project
Fiona Stanley, Rebecca Glauert, Anne Mckenzie and Melissa O'Donnell
Panning for Population Gold: 20 Years of Research at MCHP
Randall Fransoo, Gail Marchessault, Charlyn Black and Carolyn Decoster
The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of the Parts: Using Data Linkage and Cohort Designs to Create Data Synergy at MCHP
Gregory S. Finlayson, Lisa M. Lix and Leslie L. Roos
Taking It to the Streets: Figuring Out and Communicating What's Really Important in Children's Health and Well-being Research
Noralou P. Roos, Jane Freemantle, Gerald Farthing and Jim Carr
Clinical Research at MCHP Over the Next 20 Years
Alan Katz, Allan Garland, Bill Leslie and Mike Moffatt
Using Administrative Data to Study Child Health
Marni Brownell, Anita Kozyrskyj, Don Fuchs and Rob Santos
International Health Data Linkage Network
Merran Smith, James Semmens, Diana Rosman, Jane Ford, Catherine Storey, C. D'Arcy J. Holman, Emma Fu...
Dancing with the Media – Be Careful Not to Step on Your Partner's Toes: The Challenge of Working with the Media to Share Research Findings with the Public
Jack Rach, Mary Agnes Welch, Richard Cloutier and Malcolm Doupe
Seeking the Balance between Harm and Benefit: The Role of Pharmacosurveillance in Choosing the Drugs We Should Take
Colleen Metge, Ingrid Sketris and Silvia Alessi-Severini
Expanding the Data Repository: New Technology and Resources for the 21st Century
Mark Smith, Leslie L. Roos and Charles Burchill
Beyond Administrative Data: A Vision for Health Information Systems for Canada
Alan Katz, Louis Barré, Tom Fogg and Steven Lewis
The Inside Story: Knowledge Translation Lessons from the Need to Know Team
Randall Fransoo, Patricia J. Martens, Suzanne Dick, Tannis Erickson, Deborah Malazdrewicz, Elaine Bu...
Healthcare Services for an Aging Population: Using Administrative Data to Help Prepare for the Future
Malcolm Doupe, Evelyn Shapiro and Real Cloutier