Healthcare Policy
Vol. 3 Special Issue | Regional Training Centres
The Regional Training Centre: If We Build It [Well], They Will Come
Patricia J. Martens
Different Roads, Same Destination: Launching Regional Training Centres
Tarah Brachman, Cathy Peyton, Nathalie Folch and Miguel A. Perez
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Capacity Building in Applied Research
Clémence Dallaire, Kim A. Critchley, Sam Sheps and Rhonda Cockerill
"Between Two Worlds": Healthcare Decision-maker Engagement with Regional Training Centres
Sam Sheps, Raymond W. Pong, Mélanie Lavoie-Tremblay and Debbie MacLellan
Knowledge to Action: The Development of Training Strategies
Danielle D'Amour, Vianne Timmons, Sam Sheps and Barbara Davies
University Collaboration in Delivering Applied Health and Nursing Services Research Training
Alba DiCenso, Danielle D'Amour, Anne J. Kearney and Sam Sheps
Does It Matter? Decision-maker Perceptions on the Impact of the Regional Training Centres
Thomas Rathwell, Pat Lee and Darryl Sturtevant
A Foot in Both Camps: Graduate Voices at the Interface of Applied Health Services Research, Policy and Decision-making
Erin Morrison, Jennifer Thornhill and Sam Sheps
The Future of the Regional Training Centres: Planning for Sustainability
William Montelpare, Edmund Biden, Pat Lee, Sam Sheps, Carl-Ardy Dubois and Isabelle Brault