Healthcare Quarterly

Healthcare Quarterly 7(3) June 2004 : 39-41.doi:10.12927/hcq.2004.20355

Commission to Investigate the Introduction and Spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Campbell Commission) - Interim Report Released April 15, 2004


The independent Commission to Investigate the Introduction and Spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) was established by the Government of Ontario with Mr. Justice Archie Campbell of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice appointed Commissioner.

The Commission's mandate is to investigate how the SARS virus came to the province, how it spread and how it was dealt with. The Commissioner, Mr. Justice Archie Campbell, is to provide a public report on what happened, what lessons have been learned and what improvements should be made.

Most of the Commission's investigation is being carried out through personal confidential interviews and meetings and by examination of documents and consultations with experts. The Commission held six days of public hearings - three in September and October and three in November - to give members of the public and all interested organizations an opportunity to address Justice Campbell about their experiences, concerns and recommendations relating to the SARS outbreak.

In April 2004, the Commission released an interim report on Ontario's public health system that outlined 21 principles for reform. The full report can be accessed at

The 21 principles are listed below.



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