Nursing Leadership

Nursing Leadership 27(3) September 2014 : 51-69.doi:10.12927/cjnl.2015.24057
Nursing Research

The Slippery Slope of Nursing Regulation: Challenging Issues for Contemporary Nursing Practice in Canada

Bernie M Garrett and Maura MacPhee

This paper provides readers with an overview of some contemporary issues associated with nursing regulation and scope of practice in Canada. Issues with the current organizational structure of nursing regulation and its impact on nursing advocacy in Canada are explored. An argument is presented that nursing regulation needs more consistency and collaboration in Canada. Several examples are used to illustrate this. Fragmentation of regulation is explored and regulatory disciplinary processes are examined in relation to some countries with similar professional structures. The impact of changes in the regulatory status of complementary and alternative health practitioners on nursing is also critiqued. We provide recommendations for future policy and practice to better pave the way for nursing scope and regulatory clarity.



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