Exploring challenging and demanding matters, innovations and leading practices in detail and from several perspectives. . . the role of the special issue. Are you up to it?
Is your focus healthcare? Are you identified as a trailblazing institution? Are you a corporate visionary on a mission? Are you a lone wolf with a message? Does your healthcare organization have innovations and leading practices to explore, report, set up for public review or just share to see what happens? Do you have catastrophic failures you want analyzed by your peers? Do you have an immutable challenge you want to deliver? Are you ready for an independent review? Can you accept rejection? How about acclaim?
Then consider this: Corporate and institutional intellectuals and leaders can sponsor their colleagues in government and sectors like academe, medicine, nursing, allied professions or executive leadership to investigate, scrutinize and assess important healthcare issues. Subsequently the innovators can report and disseminate their points of view, their ideas and their proposals for enriched policies and practices. In effect we provide every opportunity to explore the “design thinking process” of Christian Basson*. Longwoods has helped institutionalize design thinking using a foundation that is a proven formal process already in place. It is presented as a journal with an established editorial program that takes and analyses an idea or perspective and synthesizes it to create something better or newer. We enable. An editor is assigned to follow you. Independent reviewers are invited to critique and respond and finally we publish a special issue. This results in a full examination of challenges that matter and creates plans to better healthcare.
We can pool the resources to make this happen.
Leaders in research, policy, care and administration can write the discourse; industry can participate, contribute and fund the publication, Longwoods can publish it, store it, disseminate it, accept any additional commentary and build on a renewed editorial foundations. Academe can use the resources to teach and learn. All these participants can contribute to the journals or focus on learning from the commentary shaped by authors and approved by editors.
Multiplatform publishing is now the cutting edge of effective dissemination; it is sophisticated, challenging and effective. We provide all the guidance and support you need, the publishing know how and the reputation to deliver only first-class editorial material using various media and followed by live events for a more enriched discussion. We can and do manage the whole process.
Your organization reaps the benefits of what might well be stress-free technology fed by strict editorial review of new ideas, untried polices and experimental practices. This is work submitted by established and new researchers, practitioners, and other authors who must deliver topical and focused content that explores the ways and means to excellent care. If this involves a premise and subsequent reviews by experts we are inevitably serving the leaders and providers of healthcare.
And that is a special issue.
If you Click here you will see the special issues Longwoods has published on behalf of its partners.
Longwoods began publishing special issues in 2005 for Health Canada: it focused on The Pulse of Renewal in Nursing Leadership, and has since published over 30 issues covering topics such as patient safety, mental health, partnerships and collaboration; content from the expertsThese issues are available open access. Free to the reader. The extensive list is here, look for more to arrive this year: Special Issues.
And if you think we are charging into the wind, do some due diligence and visit your local magazine and journal distributor to see brands like TIME, LIFE, National Geographic, Health Affairs and many more picking up the pace of special issues.
*Leading Public Sector Innovation by Christian Bacon. The Policy Press 2010
About the Author(s)
Publisher, Longwoods Publishing CorporationReferences
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