Nursing Leadership

Nursing Leadership 30(2) June 2017 : 26-38.doi:10.12927/cjnl.2017.25257
Special Focus on Interprofessional Collaborative Leadership

Collaborative Leadership, Part 2: The Role of the Nurse Leader in Interprofessional Team-Based Practice – Shifting from Task- to Collaborative Patient-/Family-Focused Care

Carole A. Orchard, Olubukola Sonibare, Adam Morse, Jennifer Collins and Areej Al-Hamad


This paper presents a discussion on the key role that nurses assume with their patients and also with other health providers. We will argue that a change is needed to provide "space" for nurses to re-engage with their patients and to return to their key coordinating role between their patients, their family members and other health providers in interprofessional patient and family-centred collaborative practice. Furthermore, we will discuss the important role of nurse leaders to present the nurses' unique role and importance to health system administrators and policy makers to improve health outcomes of patients and how their role can concomitantly reduce healthcare costs.



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