Nursing Leadership
Nursing Leadership
31(1) March 2018
: 42-49.doi:10.12927/cjnl.2018.25473
Nursing Research
LEADS Case Study: Partnering to Offer a Diabetes Management e-Learning Module to Nursing and Allied Health Staff
Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) has the highest prevalence of diabetes in Canada. In 2011, Eastern Health (EH) selected diabetes as its chronic disease management focus in response to national statistics on the disease. In 2012, EH partnered with Saint Elizabeth (SE) to offer a free e-learning module on diabetes management to its healthcare providers. In this paper, the Engage Others domain of the LEADS in a Caring Environment Framework is used to describe the EH–SE partnership for this e-learning including strategies used to engage nursing and allied health staff.
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