Nursing Leadership
The Role of Education in Developing Leadership in Nurses
Nurses, with their intimate knowledge of person-centred healthcare, are called to lead at the point of care and to promote health across settings and the continuum of care. Capacity building and knowledge development for nursing leadership is a current priority in Canada, and therefore, academic preparation is foundational to developing nurses who lead. We provide examples of how to build leadership capacity in undergraduate, graduate and continuing professional development programs. Nurse educators across practice settings need to align educational content and pedagogies with the necessary knowledge, skills and attributes for leading both within and beyond healthcare contexts. Excellence in nursing education and strong partnerships with health sectors will contribute to effective and collaborative healthcare provided through nursing's distinctive lens.
Harinder wrote:
Posted 2019/09/05 at 12:17 PM EDT
Thank you all for writing on this much needed topic. Your paper made me think about how once again nurses are being asked to do something (i.e. lead in this case) by just learning on the job! I agree that in order to prepare nurses for the current healthcare systems, nursing education programs must include nursing leadership courses. I'd also like to add that these courses must not only focus on pedagogical approaches but also on practical tips/styles in the current healthcare work environments.
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