Nursing Leadership

Nursing Leadership 33(3) September 2020 : 9-14.doi:10.12927/cjnl.2020.26324
Special Focus: Introduction To Crisis Leadership

Weathering Pandemic Turbulence: It’s All about Relationships

Mary McAllister


During my career, I have had many mantras, including "I love to wonder what will happen tomorrow" and "It's all about relationships." Well, I have been rewarded in spades because nothing has been predictable or stable about our professional practice environments since COVID-19 infiltrated our organizations. I have been challenged to develop and implement changes at The Hospital for Sick Children – a 300-bed tertiary pediatric academic health sciences centre in Toronto, ON – that we had never contemplated before. I believe that staying true to my leadership values and core principles has been essential when taking on such challenges and staying afloat during these tumultuous times.



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