Nursing Leadership
Case Study: Achieving “Hands-On” Practice for Remote Family Caregivers and Homecare Nurses of Children with Medical Complexity
Krista Keilty, Stephanie Chu, Adal Bahlibi, Sandra McKay and Matt Wong
Pediatric nursing expertise in home care requires continuous development and maintenance of competencies. Through the pandemic, practice of essential "hands-on" skills was enabled by delivery of training mannequins from hospital to home care and a shift to virtual education. Learners (n = 57) included family caregivers of children with medical complexity and nurses new to home care. Evaluation informed iterative design of the service and signalled "Connected Care on the Go!" as desirable (100% highly satisfied), feasible (100% easily implemented) and viable. Now a sustainable service, this nurse-led innovation promotes partnership across leaders, sectors and geographies to address specialized training needs in pediatric home care.
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