Nursing Leadership

Nursing Leadership 36(1) April 2023 : 75-86.doi:10.12927/cjnl.2023.27122
Nursing Research

Shifts in Homecare Nursing Practices and Their Implications for Families and Clients Receiving Palliative Care at Home

Kelli Stajduhar, Richard Sawatzky, Laura Funk, S. Robin Cohen, Ami Bitschy, Erin Donald and Kristine Votova


Homecare nurses provide essential healthcare services at home. Changes in the nature of homecare nursing practice, however, suggest that older and frail homecare clients are less likely to have timely access to needed homecare nursing services as acute management takes priority. This has an impact on people's ability to be cared for and to die at home, a reported priority for many Canadians. This study highlights how health system changes may be constraining homecare nurses' abilities to enact care that is consistent with palliative care principles and philosophies, and calls for consideration of how shifts in homecare nursing practice have implications for families and clients receiving palliative care at home.



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