Nursing Leadership

Nursing Leadership 37(3) January 2025 : 30-44.doi:10.12927/cjnl.2025.27507
Leadership Perspective

How Whiteness Shapes Nursing in Canada – What Does the Literature Say? A Rapid Review

Mandy Walker, Hannah Mahar-Klassen, Bernice Yanful, Carolina Jimenez and Claire Betker


Globally and nationally, there has been growing understanding and acknowledgment of systemic racism and its impact as a structural determinant of health. The profession of nursing has an obligation to carefully self-examine so it does not further contribute to systemic racism. Using the National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools' rapid review methodology, this rapid review of the literature seeks to understand how whiteness shapes the Canadian nursing profession. Findings from literature published between 2017 and 2023 reveal how policies, practices and perspectives uphold whiteness within the Canadian nursing profession. Implications from the literature were grouped into five interconnected themes that provide examples of how leaders within the nursing profession can disrupt whiteness: (1) accountability (through acknowledgment and commitment); (2) policy and procedures; (3) education; (4) leadership and mentorship; and (5) partnerships.



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