Healthcare Policy
Vol. 16 No. 2, 2020
Health Services Research and Government’s Spending on Healthcare Programs: A Welcome Misalignment?
Jason M. Sutherland
Eliminating Religious and Philosophical Exemptions: The Next Step in Ontario’s Campaign against Vaccine Hesitancy
Bryan Thomas and Colleen M. Flood
Transitions in Labour Force Participation over the Palliative Care Trajectory
Denise Guerriere, Amna Husain, Denise Marshall, Brandon Zagorski, Julia Kennedy and Peter C. Coyte
Reallocating Cancer Surgery Payments for Alternate Level of Care in Ontario: What Are the Options?
Judith Wong, Shannon Milroy, Katherine Sun, Pierre Iorio, May Seto, Julia Monakova and Jason M. Su...
Catalyzing Digital Health Innovation in Ontario: The Role of an Academic Medical Centre
Laura Desveaux, Leah T. Kelley, R. Sacha Bhatia and Trevor Jamieson
Co-locating Older Retirement Home Residents: Uncovering an Under-Researched Population via Postal Code
Hana Brath, Sanghun J. Kim, Susan E. Bronskill, Paula A. Rochon and Nathan M. Stall
The Impact of Prescription Medication Cost Coverage on Oral Medication Use for Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Razan Amoud, Kelly Grindrod, Martin Cooke and Mhd Wasem Alsabbagh
Rheumatologists’ Acceptance of Patient Referrals from Physical Therapists
Debbie Ehrmann Feldman, Michel Zummer, Tatiana Orozco, Jonathan El-Khoury, François Desmeules, Maud...
The Ontario Public Does Not Understand the Difference Between Registered Dietitians and Unregulated "Nutritionists”: Results from a Cross-Sectional Mixed Methods Study
Deanna Veloce, Marley Fisher, Colleen O’Connor, Brenda Hartman and Justine R. Horne