Healthcare Policy
Vol. 3 No. 3 2008
Sequestered Evidence: Inaccessible Findings from Health Services and Policy Research
Brian Hutchison
Richard III, Barer-Stoddart and the Daughter of Time
Robert G. Evans and Kimberlyn M. McGrail
A General Method for Identifying Excess Revisit Rates: The Case of Hypertension
Norman Frohlich, Marilyn Cree and K.C. Carriere
Using Health Technology Assessment to Identify Research Gaps: An Unexploited Resource for Increasing the Value of Clinical Research
N. Ann Scott, Carmen Moga, Christa Harstall and Jacques Magnan
Engaging Front-Line Staff: How a Long-Term Care Home Is Using Evidence to Build a Quality Improvement Culture
Canadian Health Services Research Foundation
The Effect of Evidence-Based Drug Coverage Policies on Pharmaceutical R&D: A Case Study from British Columbia
Steve Morgan and Colleen Cunningham
The Effect of Evidence-Based Drug Coverage Policies on Pharmaceutical R&D: A Case Study from British Columbia - Abridged Version -
Steve Morgan and Colleen Cunningham
Emergency Planning in Ontario's Acute Care Hospitals: A Survey of Board Chairs
Neil Seeman, G. Ross Baker and Adalsteinn D. Brown
Reducing Wait Times through Operations Research: Optimizing the Use of Surge Capacity
Jonathan Patrick and Martin L. Puterman
What Do People Think Is Important about Primary Healthcare?
Sabrina T. Wong, Diane E. Watson, Ella Young and Sandra Regan
Improving Use of Medicines for Older People in Long-Term Care: Contrasting the Policy Approach of Four Countries
Carmel M. Hughes, Elizabeth Roughead and Ngaire Kerse
How Consumerist Do People Want to Be? Preferred Role in Decision-Making of Individuals with HIV/AIDS
Sara Urowitz and Raisa Deber