Research Paper
The Independence of Ontario’s Public Health Units: Does Governing Structure Matter?
Joseph Lyons
Invited Essay
Enabling Evolving Practice for Healthcare Professionals: A Regulator’s Journey
Kathy Wilkie and John Tzountzouris
Discussion and Debate
What Is Bending the Cost Curve? An Exploration of Possible Drivers and Unintended Consequences
Kimberlyn McGrail and Megan Ahuja
High-Users of Healthcare
Persistent and Non-Persistent High-users of Acute Care Resources: A Deeper Dive into the Patient and System Factors
Arpita Gantayet, Michelle Ang, Xingshan Cao and Ilana Halperin
Defining Health Profession Regulators’ Roles in the Canadian Healthcare System
Joshua Tepper*, Humayun Ahmed and Adalsteinn D. Brown
Invited Essay
Enabling Evolving Practice for Healthcare Professionals: A Regulator’s Journey
Kathy Wilkie and John Tzountzouris
Professional Healthcare Regulation and Practice: The Case of Medicine in Britain
Mike Saks