ental ealth
Nursing Research
Not Part of the Job: An Analysis of Characterizations of Workplace Violence against Nurses in Canada by Unions and Professional Associations
Sioban Nelson and Andrea Baumann
Discussion and Debate
Public Funding of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for Common Mental Disorders: Increasing Calls for Action in Canadian Provinces
Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, Jessica Spagnolo and Alain Lesage
Discussion and Debate
Commentary: Time to Improve Access to Psychotherapies – A Family Medicine Perspective
Francine Lemire and Marie-Hélène Chomienne
Leadership Innovation
Why Do We Need Wobble Rooms during COVID-19?
Lara Gurney, Julie Lockington, Lori Quinn and Maura MacPhee
CIHI Survey
New Data on Access to Mental Health and Addictions Services and Home and Community Care
Maria Zaccaria Cho, Jennifer Frood, Liudmila Husak, Jeanie Lacroix, Norma Hall and Luke Andrew Turc...
ICES Report
Mental Health and Addictions System Performance in Ontario: An Updated Scorecard, 2009–2017
Maria Chiu, Astrid Guttmann and Paul Kurdyak
CIHI Survey
Hospital Stays for Harm Caused by Substance Use among Youth in Canada
Erin Pichora, Alexey Dudevich, Geoffrey Hynes and Christina Catley
Discussion and Debate
Commentary: Discharging the Homeless – A Daily Issue in Acute Care
Cheryl Forchuk
Research Paper
The Role of Social Workers in Interprofessional Primary Healthcare Teams
Vela Tadic, Rachelle Ashcroft, Judith Belle Brown and Simone Dahrouge