healthcare policy
The Mounting Opportunity Cost of Pivoting to COVID-19-Related Health Systems and Services Research
Jason M. Sutherland
Discussion and Debate
Commentary: Improving the Sustainability of Healthcare in Canada through Physician-Engaged Delivery System Reforms
Amity E. Quinn and Braden J. Manns
Research Paper
Estimating Population Benefits of Prevention Approaches Using a Risk Tool: High Resource Users in Ontario, Canada
Meghan O’Neill, Kathy Kornas, Walter P. Wodchis and Laura C. Rosella
Research Paper
Paramedics Have Untapped Potential to Address Social Determinants of Health in Canada
Amir Allana and Andrew D. Pinto
Research Paper
What Factors Impact Implementation of Critical Incident Disclosure in Ontario Hospitals: A Multiple-Case Study
Michael Heenan and Gillian Mulvale
Research Paper
Understanding the Feasibility of Implementing CAR T-Cell Therapies from a Canadian Perspective
Kristina Ellis, Kelly Grindrod, Stephen Tully, Tom Mcfarlane, Kelvin K.W. Chan and William W.L. Wong
Research Paper
The Allocation of Medical School Spaces in Canada by Province and Territory: The Need for Evidence-Based Health Workforce Policy
Lawrence Grierson and Meredith Vanstone
Research Paper
Evaluation of Rheumatology Workforce Supply Changes in Ontario, Canada, from 2000 to 2030
Jessica Widdifield, Sasha Bernatsky, Janet E. Pope, Bindee Kuriya, Claire E.H. Barber, Lihi Eder, V...
Responding To The COVID-19 Pandemic
Crowdsourcing Health Policy with the Provider Community during a Crisis
Emma Jowett, Vicki Alexopoulos, Cathy Cattaruzza and Graham Woodward