
HealthcarePapers 3(4) February 2003 : 61-66.doi:10.12927/hcpap..17121

Seizing the Moment: Transparency, Boldness, Change - and Money

Glenda Yeates


Based on the strong research findings of recent healthcare reports, we have a historic opportunity to move forward to secure the future quality and stability of healthcare in Canada. Four priority areas are suggested in this paper:
  1. Creating an adequate, health-only cash transfer from the federal government, and providing stability and predictability via an agreed-upon escalator.
  2. Buying change by targeting some resources towards primary healthcare reform, health human resource needs, quality and information technology.
  3. Providing Canadians with coverage for catastrophic drug costs.
  4. Creating new mechanisms for transparency and partnership, including a National Quality Council and a national forum for ongoing health policy advice to governments.



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