
HealthcarePapers 6(2) November 2005 : 50-56.doi:10.12927/hcpap..17761

Performance Reporting: Alignment with Accreditation

Wendy Nicklin, Paula Greco and Christopher Dean


This paper reviews the strong relationship of performance measurement and reporting with the Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation (CCHSA) accreditation program and consistency with the direction of ongoing development. The CCHSA authors discuss the issue of public reporting of the accreditation results, the impact of public reporting on accreditation, aligning accreditation with the public reporting requirements, the measurement framework, quality improvement results and reporting and the linkage of accreditation with accountability. As public reporting gains momentum, the accreditation program must align to enable this while protecting the fundamental integrity and value of the program. Participating in the accreditation program clearly demonstrates the organization's commitment to accountability.



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