
HealthcarePapers 14(4) January 2015 : 37-40.doi:10.12927/hcpap.2015.24343

Patient Engagement: Time to Shake the Foundations

Leslee Thompson


Something big is happening in healthcare. It’s not the new Apple Watch, 3D printing or the advent of personalized medicine. It’s people power. And, it is starting to shake up the very foundation on which healthcare systems around the world have been built. Healthcare professionals and hospitals are iconic features on a healthcare landscape that has been purpose-built with castles, moats and defence artillery. Turf protection, often under the guise of “patient protection,” has become so ingrained in the way things are that few recognize what it has become. Fooks et al. step gently into this somewhat dangerous territory for “insiders” of the system to tread; yet in my view, they do not go far enough.  



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