A Community-Based Dementia Care Strategy: One Size Does Not Fit All
Frances Morton-Chang, A. Paul Williams, Whitney Berta and Audrey Laporte
Our commentators have emphasized three crucial issues which we think align and reinforce the key strategic pillars that we have identified as guides to the development of dementia strategies. First – how we conceive dementia matters: broader conceptualizations, which move beyond dementia as an illness, to dementia as a social responsibility and matter of citizenship, are needed. Second – much can be done to improve the lives of persons living with dementia (PLWD) and informal caregivers, including initiatives to enhance public awareness and education, and others to improve access to needed health, social, and financial supports toward inclusive dementia friendly communities. Third – government has a role to play through supporting capacity building within and beyond healthcare, and creating the conditions for more holistic, individualized ways to support and empower PLWD and their informal caregivers such that they can live as vibrantly as possible, for as long as possible, “closer to home.”
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