Healthcare Quarterly

Healthcare Quarterly 20(3) October 2017 : 52-58.doi:10.12927/hcq.2017.25287
Health Workforce Planning

Interprofessional Education for Internationally Educated Health Professionals: Pathways to Licensure

Ruby Emily Grymonpre, Mubashir Aslam Arain, Lesley Ann Bainbridge, Siegrid Deutschlander, Elizabeth Louise Harrison, Ruth A. Koenig, Máire McAdams, Grace Maureen Mickelson and Esther Suter


In response to the shortage of healthcare professionals, the Canadian government has supported two innovative health workforce planning strategies: interprofessional education for interprofessional collaboration and recruiting internationally educated health professionals (IEHPs). Interprofessional collaboration is increasingly expected by Canadian-educated healthcare professionals; IEHPs must also be oriented to this practice model. An environmental scan and iterative assessments and evaluations informed the development of an online interprofessional competency toolkit aimed at training and assessing interprofessional collaboration for IEHPs. This paper outlines the complex licensure pathways for seven healthcare professions and confirms "collaboration" is a required competency, further validating the need for the toolkit.



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