Healthcare Quarterly

Healthcare Quarterly 23(2) July 2020 : 67-74.doi:10.12927/hcq.2020.26271
Digital Health

Supporting Asthma and COPD Best Practices in Ontario through Primary Care Electronic Medical Records

Ann Taite, Janice Minard, Alison Morra and M. Diane Lougheed


Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are two of the most common chronic respiratory diseases. Electronic medical records (EMRs) are increasingly being used as a means to support chronic disease management and enable best practices. This article summarizes the state of asthma and COPD care and electronic solutions in Ontario, highlighting the work done to date for asthma and COPD data standards. Lessons learned and future considerations for the use of EMRs and related electronic solutions to support chronic disease management are discussed.



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