
HealthcarePapers 20(1) September 2021 : 59-65.doi:10.12927/hcpap.2021.26639

Moving beyond More of the Same, but Better – How Campuses of Care Can Transform Long- Term Care

Frances Morton-Chang and Paul A. Williams


For decades, there have been calls for innovative care solutions to address the growing numbers of people living with complex health and social needs, including dementia. In 2020–2021, the toll of the COVID-19 pandemic on vulnerable populations exposed many of the same issues and spurred renewed calls for transformative change. As we look forward, it is imperative to consider options not just for improving residential long-term care but also for integrating it into broader continuums of health and social care, where people can receive supports and services in the most appropriate setting. This commentary spotlights campuses of care as one homegrown solution to address individuals' and system needs and contexts.



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