Healthcare Quarterly

Healthcare Quarterly 26(1) April 2023 : 38-44.doi:10.12927/hcq.2023.27053
Support For Underserved Communities

Recommendations to Enhance Physical Health for Individuals with Severe Mental Illness in Canadian Healthcare Organizations

Tania Tajirian, Cristina de Lasa, Caroline Chessex, Brian Lo, Po-Yen (Brian) Chang, Rola Moghabghab, Dionne Sinclair, Damian Jankowicz, Sanjeev Sockalingam and Vicky Stergiopoulos


As Canadians with severe mental illness remain underserved and experience a high burden of physical health challenges and premature mortality, there is an unprecedented need to provide better physical healthcare to this population. Ways of addressing this gap include the delivery of physical healthcare in mental health settings (“reverse integration”). However, there is limited guidance on how to enact this integration. In this article, we outline the development of an integrated care strategy in Canada's largest mental health hospital and discuss system- and policy-level recommendations that healthcare organizations could consider in their initiatives.



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