
HealthcarePapers 21(3) July 2023 : 56-61.doi:10.12927/hcpap.2023.27190

Uprooting Medical Violence: Excavating the Roots of Settler Colonialism and Systemic Anti- Black Racism within Healthcare

Nanky Rai


In this issue, Dryden (2023) disrupts the myth of neutrality in healthcare and outlines the importance of naming anti-Black racism in order to dismantle it. In this commentary, I take up Dryden's (2023) call to study the relationship between colonialism, anti-Blackness and healthcare. I utilize historical and present-day examples that uncover the roots of settler colonialism and slavery within North American healthcare systems. Finally, I explore how dispossessed communities have resisted medical violence. I call on healthcare workers to fight for non-reformist reforms, uplift self-determining care and engage in resistance toward liberatory futures.



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