Healthcare Quarterly

Healthcare Quarterly 27(2) July 2024 : 36-42.doi:10.12927/hcq.2024.27432
Focus On Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders

Designing Peer-Led Strategies Meeting the Needs of People With Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders

Rachel VanEvery, Mary Ellen Ruddell, Sue Phipps, James Gillett and Harrison Wheeler


This article documents the contribution of peer support in reducing harms of substance use and advancing recovery. Data based on the experience of participants were collected using semi-structured interviews. Twenty-three participants were interviewed including four peer support workers. Findings were drawn from a thematic analysis of interview data and focused on strategies to improve the delivery of peer support services. We discuss services offered, how they impacted the lives of service recipients, what peer support workers found helpful; the value of peer support; and the challenges, barriers and next steps for peer support as an important, cost-efficient, low-barrier, low-intensive strategy.



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