Healthcare Quarterly

Healthcare Quarterly 27(3) October 2024 : 34-40.doi:10.12927/hcq.2024.27489
Emerging Issues in Safety and Quality

Exploring Quality and Safety Best Practices at Leading International Centres

Sarah Tosoni and Lucas B. Chartier


Background: This project aimed to go beyond published literature to glean strategies and lessons learned on quality and safety (Q&S) best practices from centres with pre-eminent international reputations.

Methods: Nine centres participated in an interview; questions centred on approaches to building Q&S infrastructure around the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's (IHI's) Whole System Quality (WSQ) framework (Sampath et al. 2021).

Results: Inductive thematic analyses revealed recommendations for quality planning (e.g., making Q&S the central focus of an organization), quality control (e.g., triangulating Q&S metrics) and quality improvement (e.g., Q&S champions at all levels).

Conclusion: Recommendations provide a practical guide for the successful implementation of the IHI WSQ framework.



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