Nursing Leadership
Vol. 18 No. 3 2005
Leadership Perspectives
Health Human Resources Planning in an Interdisciplinary Care Environment: To Dream the Impossible Dream?
Cathy Fooks
Innovation in Leadership
Enhancing Skills for Evidence-Based Healthcare Leadership: The Executive Training for Research Application (EXTRA) Program
Wendy Nicklin and Nina Stipich
Nursing Research
Are Skills Learned in Nursing Transferable to Other Careers?
Christine Duffield, Linda O'Brien-Pallas and Leanne M. Aitken
Nursing Research
A Span of Control Tool for Clinical Managers
Robin Morash, Janet Brintnell and Ginette Lemire Rodger
Book Review
The Quantum Leader: Applications for the New World of Work. By Kathy Malloch and Tim Porter-O'Grady
Claire Mallette