nursing leadership
Leadership Innovation
Why Do We Need Wobble Rooms during COVID-19?
Lara Gurney, Julie Lockington, Lori Quinn and Maura MacPhee
Leading in Home and Community
Lessons on COVID-19 from Home and Community: Perspectives of Nursing Leaders at All Levels
Nancy Lefebre, Shirlee Sharkey, Tazim Virani, Kaiyan Fu, Melanie Brown and Mary Lou Ackerman
Leading in Home and Community
Navigating Turbulent Waters: Leading Home and Community Care Practice Change during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Barbara Jones, Shari Comerford, Karen Curry and Irene Holubiec
Beyond Engagement: Realizing Nurses’ Capacity to Lead Sustainable Health Systems
Quinn Grundy, Olga Krasik, Nicole Meleca, Nicole Mills, Shugri Nour and Emma Whalen
Letter to the Editor
Re: CJNL 32.4 - Special Focus on the NCLEX-RN Experience in Canada
David Byres, Natasha Prodan-Bhalla and R. Lynn Stevenson
Special Focus: Introduction To Crisis Leadership
Weathering Pandemic Turbulence: It’s All about Relationships
Mary McAllister
Special Focus: Introduction To Crisis Leadership
Community Care and COVID-19: A Case Study
Barbara Mildon
Nursing Research
Using the Synergy Tool to Determine Regina Emergency Department Staffing Needs
Maura MacPhee, Joan Wagner, Sonia A. Udod, Lois Berry, Glen Perchie and Aidan Conway
Nursing Research
Implementation of a Preparedness Program to Address Violent Situations in Healthcare
Jacqueline J. Johnson-Howell and Della J. Derscheid