nursing leadership
What The Research Tells Us
The Adoption of NCLEX-RN in Canada: A Failure of Leadership at the Intersection of Nursing Regulation, Education and Practice
Katharyn A. May and Savitri Singh-Carlson
Concerns of the Francophone Community
The Forgotten: The Challenges Faced by Francophone Nursing Candidates following the Introduction of the NCLEX-RN in Canada
Michelle Lalonde
Concerns Of The Francophone Community
The NCLEX-RN as an Entry-to-Practice Exam in New Brunswick: The Rocky Road Story of Francophone Candidates to the Nursing Profession
Lise Guerrette-Daigle, Véronique Landry, Suzanne Harrison, Suzie Durocher-Hendriks, France L. Marqu...
Perspectives of Educators and Students
Promoting Quality in Nursing Education in Canada through a Canadian Examination for Baccalaureate Nurses
Cynthia Baker
Perspectives of Educators and Students
The Canadian Nursing Students’ Association and its Advocacy for a Culturally Competent Entry-to-Practice Exam
Rebecca John, Melanie Marques and Victoria Marchand
Special Focus on Nursing Leadership and Palliative Care
Palliative Care Models in Long-Term Care: A Scoping Review
Sharon Kaasalainen, Tamara Sussman, Lynn McCleary, Genevieve Thompson, Paulette V. Hunter, Abigail W...
Special Focus on Nursing Leadership and Palliative Care
A Stakeholder Analysis of the Strengthening a Palliative Approach in Long-Term Care Model
Sharon Kaasalainen, Tamara Sussman, Lynn McCleary, Genevieve Thompson, Paulette V. Hunter, Abigail W...
Nursing Research
Toward Resilient Nurse Leaders: The Leadership-In-Action Program in Nursing (LEAP-IN)
Christina Clausen, Jessica Emed, Valerie Frunchak, Margaret Purden and Frances Sol Bruno