effective teamwork
Invited Essay
The Patient Experience in Ontario 2020: What Is Possible?
Cathy Fooks, Genevieve Obarski, Lori Hale and Stephanie Hylmar
Patient-Centred Care: The Proving Ground for Continuity and Equity in Our Health System
Adalsteinn D. Brown and Joshua Tepper
Research Paper
Improving Access to Care among Underserved Populations: The Role of Health Workforce Data in Health Workforce Policy, Planning and Practice
Jennifer Wesson, Pamela McQuide, Claire Viadro, Maritza Titus, Norbert Forster, Daren Trudeau and Ma...
Special Focus On Preventing Violence In The Workplace
Leadership Engagement and Workplace Violence Prevention: The Collaboration between a Large Community Hospital and Its Unions
Erna Bujna, Nancy Casselman, Rob Devitt, Faye Loverock and Sarah Wardrope
Special Focus On Preventing Violence In The Workplace
Pursuing Criminal Charges Against Patients who are Reported as Having Assaulted Healthcare Professionals: Considerations
Sarah Flogen, Andrea Waddell, Barbara Russell, Sue Luczak, Carole Garmaise and Khaula Mangla
Special Focus On Preventing Violence In The Workplace
Managing Responsive Behaviours: A Wicked Problem Addressed through a Grassroots Approach
Suzette Brémault-Phillips, Steven Friesen, Lynne Moulton, Tamara Germani, Maxi Miciak, Jasneet ...
Leadership Development
Navigating the Leadership Landscape: Creating an Inventory to Identify Leadership Education Programs for Health Professionals
Matthew Gertler, Sarita Verma, Maria Tassone, Jane Seltzer and Emmanuelle Careau
Leadership Development
A Model for Physician Leadership Development and Succession Planning
Isser Dubinsky, Nadia Feerasta and Rick Lash