January 2009
Inside the Health Blogosphere: Quality, Governance and the New Innovation Leaders
Research has shown that Health 2.0, including health blogs, is gaining popularity. However, concerns persist over the alleged inaccuracy, bias and poor governance of blogs, where an author's entries are ...
September 2008
Whose Record Is It Anyway? Putting Patients' Interests at the Heart of the Implementation and Use of Electronic Medical Records
With the dawn of EMRs and patient portals, there is an opportunity to provide patient-centered care. However, without patient input, there will be limitations. Decision makers must engage patients in ...
September 2008
Demonstrating the BlackBerry as a Clinical Communication Tool: A Pilot Study Conducted through the Centre for Innovation in Complex Care
The authors describe the implementation process of the use of BlackBerry devices on the general internal medicine wards at the UHN collaborated with Sunnybrook Health Sciences to improve clinical communication, ...