17(1) July 2017
: 49-55.doi:10.12927/hcpap.2017.25333
Based on our own experiences leading healthcare improvement in the English National Health Service (NHS), we identify seven themes that connect with the story of front-line ownership (FLO):
- Create investors not buyers of change – "buy-in" is too late in the change process.
- We need to combine both technical and cultural aspects of change – go slow to go fast and make sure that we pay attention to the human dimensions of change.
- Build strong ties AND weak ties – reach out to your usual suspects AND find your unusual suspects and unlikely allies.
- If we want innovation, we need to create psychological safety – the conditions of trust and support that make people feel safe to try new things that might fail.
- Build energy for change for the long haul, right from the start of your change efforts – go beyond the typical "intellectual" energy and build "social" and "spiritual" energy that create strong foundations for change.
- Challenge "the myth of the disinterested" – everyone is passionate about something.
- The leader as coach and team member – be the leadership role model that enables change.
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